Certificate of Substantial Performance
Form ID
F9-104551Publication date
- The City of Toronto
- 703 Don Mills Road, 5th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M3C 3N3
- This is to certify that the contract for the following improvement:
- Assignment R2021-102, Contract No. 4702389, CRO 94348XX Traffic Signal Modifications at Various Locations
- To the above premises was substantially performed on:
- December 1, 2024
- Date certificate signed:
- January 9, 2025
- Name of owner:
- City of Toronto
- Address for service:
- 703 Don Mills Road, 5th Floor, Toronto, ON, M3C 3N3
- Name of contractor:
- TM3 Inc.
- Address for service:
- 250 Royal Oak Road, Cambridge, ON, N3E 0A4
- Name of payment certifier:
- David Nhan, Senior Engineer (A)
- Address:
- 5th Floor, 703 Don Mills Road, Toronto, ON M3C 3N3
- Office to which claim for lien must be given to preserve lien:
- City Clerk’s Office, 10th Floor, West Tower, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto ON M5H 2N2